

Help Me to Love Them Anyway

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Thank You, Jesus for loving us anyway. Thank You for calling us to be a light in this world and to show others Your kind of love and kindness. Lord, sometimes this calling is difficult, so I pray that Your Spirit fills me with the strength to do it anyway. When people hurt me, help me to be kind in response. When people are difficult to love, help me to be patient and enduring and love them anyway. Help me to give encouragement and love in every opportunity. Thank You for loving me this way as well. Thank You for loving me, even when I am difficult. Thank You for holding me up and strengthening me to be more like You. It is in Your Precious Name we pray, Amen. 

This post is in coordination with the Verse of the Week on Romans 15:5, and the post on Practical Ways to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus titled, Love Them Anyway, and the post on Stories to Inspire and Pull at Your Heartstrings titled, Icky Worms.

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