Prayer for the Two Ears and One Mouth Tuning

Prayer for the Two Ears and One Mouth Tuning

Father God, we come to you with grateful hearts that You would call us to be better listeners. God, I pray You would tune our ears to what it is You want us to hear. Help us put our voices and need to be heard aside so we can hear You and whoever else it is You have put before us. Help us utilize the two ears we have been given, and be wise with the words that come out of our mouths. Thank You, Jesus that You were a living example of what this looked like and how to be attentive to others. Thank You also for making me just right and giving me a brain to process, no matter if it’s externally or internally. Jesus, please continue to help me look more like You each day. It is in Your Precious Name we pray, Amen. 

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