Verse of the Week: 2 Timothy 1:7

Verse of the Week: 2 Timothy 1:7

Each of us has a level of fear that we are comfortable navigating on our own. For example, for some it is scary to see a spider crawling into our personal space. But while this can cause some pretty heightened feelings of fear, if there is no one else around to save you from the eight legged monster, you will probably muscle up the nerve to get a paper towel (or your husband’s shoe) so that you can kill it as quickly as possible yourself. 

But there are also circumstances that can cause much more intense fear. Do any of these following scenarios make you shiver at the thought?

  • Getting into water you can’t see in?
  • Losing your child at an amusement park?
  • Jumping out of an airplane?
  • Quitting your job for your dream job?
  • Moving to a new city?
  • Not having enough money to pay the rent or bills?
  • A break up or divorce?
  • Death? Yours or someone else’s?
  • Being stranded on the side of the road?
  • Failing?

These are all real fears. I know because they are experiences I’ve had at some point in my life (aside from the divorce one, but before I met my husband, I had plenty of break ups). I would be lying if I told you I wasn’t scared in each experience as I entered into it. I was petrified. 

Spirit of Power, Love, and Self-Discipline

But just like the Apostle Paul pointed out in his letter to Timothy, God didn’t give us a Spirit of fear. Interesting point to make here, 2 Timothy was the last letter Paul wrote. A short time after he wrote to Timothy he was killed. He knew he was going to die, but instead of shaking in his own boots, he decided to write a letter to his protege’, Timothy, to tell him not to be afraid. 

Can you imagine facing the reality of your own death? Perhaps you can. Perhaps you know exactly what Paul must have been feeling. Maybe it wasn’t facing death, but instead, leaving everything you have ever known to move to a new city. 

Here is what I have come to understand about fear. It can cause us to stop forward momentum. It can cause us to reach out for external help. But fear isn’t from God. God gives us the power to face fear and defeat it. He gives us love to comfort us while we are in the fear. He also gives us self-discipline to look to Him, lean into Him, and keep forward momentum even in fear. 

In each and every situation I have faced, my fear didn’t save me. It only caused me to stumble more. But in every situation, whenever I took pause to look to God as my power and strength, I was able to feel His love, and discipline myself in a manner that led me towards a solution or if no solution was available, comfort from Him. 

Fear doesn’t save us, but God’s Spirit dwelling within us does.

His Spirit of power, love, and self-discipline is brought to life when we turn our eyes on Him in the midst of our storms and fears. Turning to Him doesn’t automatically make the trouble or pain go away, but it does give you the power, love, and self-discipline to get through it. 

Building Community:

In the comments below, please feel free to share your thoughts on the following questions. 

  1. What is an experience in your life where you have felt great fear? How did you respond to it? 
  2. Has fear ever blinded you or paralyzed you causing you to stumble? 
  3. What is one fear you have that you could ask God for His power, love, and self-discipline to help you through it?

It would be an honor to hear from you. Please consider responding in the comments or if you want prayer for a fear you have been holding onto or facing, please reach out to

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