Verse of the Week

Verse of the Week

2 Corinthians 3:17

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

You are a failure, you can’t do it, you aren’t smart enough, strong enough, pretty enough. You are broken beyond repair. You are unlovable. You say you’re a Christian, but you make mistakes all the time. 

Do any of these statements make you feel some type of way? Perhaps you have heard them before or thought them before? 

Yeah, me too. Just about every day. I feel like I am not enough most days of my life. I mess up on a regular basis, and I certainly don’t have it all together by a long shot. Do you?

I have come to understand the truth though. God never asked me to be perfect. He never expected me to be. He knows me inside and out, He knows my heart, He knows my hang ups and struggles, and yet He has never called me a failure. He has never looked in my mirror and wished He saw someone else. He has never questioned whether or not He picked the right one for the job when He gave it to me.

He loves me just as I am.

I don’t have to be chained to the lies of feeling like a failure or needing to put on a charade of being perfect just because I am a Christian. I am free from the pressure the world places on me because where the Spirit of Lord is, there is freedom, and the Spirit of the Lord lives inside of me.

So since God lives inside of me, and there is freedom where His Spirit is, then I don’t have to buy into the lie that I am not enough, or a failure, or broken beyond repair. 

I am completely free to be me, and be exactly who God says I am. So when I start to feel any of the lies listed above, instead of allowing it to bind me up and hold me hostage to keep me from living a life of joy and love, I remember this very verse.

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” 2 Corinthians 3:17. 

The lie can’t touch me when I have this verse as my armor. I am free from it. It has no power over me. It can’t hold me down or keep me from pouring out love onto others. It can’t keep me silent, or infringe upon my full potential. 

That is the best kind of freedom to have. 

Building Community:

In the comments below, please feel free to respond to any of the following questions.

What lie has held you back from living out your full potential?

What does it mean to you to have freedom?

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