Practical Ways To Be The Hands and Feet of Jesus

Practical Ways To Be The Hands and Feet of Jesus

Be Interruptible

My oldest two sweeties and me

Being able to love people like Jesus did can be as simple as just being available to them. Every single day there are about a million opportunities to stop and give other people my space and attention. It is amazing how when you stop looking at all the things you are doing for yourself and instead look up at the people in the room, just how many people there are that could use your attention.

One thing that I try to be intentional in doing each day is to make sure that anyone that comes into my space, (classroom, bedroom, grocery isle, etc.) is to make sure they feel seen and their presence is appreciated. I can’t tell you the number of times students, teachers, and even my own children unload their feelings when I just sit still and hold a safe and loving place for them to process their feels.

It is so easy to forget to be present though. Life is filled with hundreds of distractions every single day. Cell phones, work, friends, things to do, you name it. However, I would challenge you though in spite of all the other things you have going on to take the time to simply be interruptible.

Jesus modeled this for us throughout His life. One of those times was when He was at a dinner one evening at one of the Pharisees house. There was also a woman there who is only identified as a woman who led a sinful life. But she knew what she needed. She needed Jesus. So she took an alabaster jar of perfume and stood at His feet crying. She then washed His feet with her tears and hair and poured the perfume on Him.

The Pharisees were disgusted by it and couldn’t believe that He would allow for this behavior.

But Jesus was interruptible. He didn’t mind. In fact, He reprimanded the Pharisees for not doing exactly what she was doing. He identified the great love that she was demonstrating towards Him and forgave her for her sins. (Luke 7: 36-50).

But here’s the thing. Jesus was not upset that she interrupted the dinner to seek Him out and show Him love and seek a life . He was interruptible. He gave the woman what she needed when she needed it; forgiveness. He loved her enough to see her right where she was and minister to her even though He was at a fancy dinner. He was always interruptible.

My challenge to you is this: Be interruptible. Be willing to hold space for people even if it isn’t on your list of things to do for the day. Be willing to love people always; even when you might have better things to do.

How can you be intentional in holding space for people to come as they are and love them as is this week?

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