Practical Ways to Be the Hands and Feet of Jesus

Practical Ways to Be the Hands and Feet of Jesus

Say I’m Sorry

One of the greatest ways to love others is to admit when you are in the wrong. I also think it is one of the greatest pieces of advice I could offer as a parent. My parents made many mistakes, just like I do now that I am a parent. But something they taught me was the power of saying “I’m sorry.” 

Saying sorry doesn’t make the hurt or offense go away, but it does let the receiver of the apology know that you recognize that you were in the wrong for your behavior or words. It takes the shame and guilt they may have felt about the incident off of their shoulders. 

It also models for our children how to be sorry. When we say sorry to our kids, they recognize they too can say sorry and they learn that they aren’t expected to be perfect. They learn that it is okay to make mistakes. It is how we respond to the mistakes that makes the difference. It is how we love people that makes a difference. 

Saying I am sorry doesn’t make you weak or small. Saying sorry actually makes you stronger. It is you making a declaration that you have flaws but you are mighty enough to admit it and dependent enough on God to seek His ways the next time you are faced with a similar situation. When we say we are sorry, we are seeking forgiveness. 

When the person is able to forgive us, we are able to have a clear conscious which gives space to the Spirit dwelling within us to move us into a deeper space with Him, but also it builds a connection between you and the other person by being vulnerable enough with them and humble enough with them to care about their feelings.

Do you owe anyone an apology? Don’t let the sun go down on it. Seek restoration. Say you are sorry. Ask for forgiveness. It’s also okay to give them time to forgive you if the offense was great. While they aren’t required to forgive you, (even though I hope they can) apologizing for your offense is a way of admitting your mistake, which is an incredible act of bravery in and of itself. Trust that God is pleased with your heart and desire to seek restoration. You are covered in His grace and forgiveness.

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