Practical Ways To Be The Hands and Feet of Jesus

Practical Ways To Be The Hands and Feet of Jesus

“Whoever has ears let him hear”

“Whoever has ears, let him hear” These are words spoken by Jesus over and over in the Gospels. He says it in Matthew 11:15, Matthew 13:9, Matthew 13:43, Mark 4:9, Luke 8:8, and Luke 14:35. My thinking is it might be fairly important to Jesus to be a good listener. And this is exactly how we can be more like Him. Below you will find ten tips on how to be a better listener to show Christlike love to the people you are being called to hear. 

10 Ways to be a better listener

  1. Make eye contact
  2. Ask clarifying questions
  3. Repeat the points the speaker said before providing your own response
  4. Be an active listener by nodding, smiling, or offering eyebrows of concern when appropriate. 
  5. Don’t make mean or rude faces while they are speaking
  6. Listen to learn, not to just be respectful
  7. Don’t plan your rebuttal or gather your thoughts while they are speaking
  8. Wait for them to finish talking before speaking
  9. Don’t finish their thoughts for them
  10. Don’t have your phone out while you are listening

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