You Are Beautiful…

You Are Beautiful…

Seeing Yourself The Way God Sees You.

“The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” 1 Samuel 16:7.

As I rolled out of bed, groggy from my children playing musical beds, I glanced at my reflection in the bathroom mirror and hardly recognized the face looking back. I took a step closer to see all the spots, wrinkles, and dark circles. It was indeed me, but an aged version. A version that no longer has skin that bounces when the sun gleams on it. A version that should have listened to her grandma tell her to drink more water because it is good for your skin. A version that has probably paid way too much money for the more expensive night cream.

Have you ever woken up to your reflection only to not recognize the girl staring back at you? Maybe you can hardly remember the last time your face, hair, and body were all washed at the same time and bonus points if you shaved your legs. Or do you have a faint memory of what it was like to get dressed up, but now you have figured out how to make sneakers look decent with any outfit?

In a world that tells us we need to be beautiful whatever the cost, getting older is tough. Don’t get me wrong, taking care of yourself isn’t wrong. In fact, studies have shown healthy lifestyles can add years to your time.

But as I looked at my reflection, I started to think about all of my life experiences; fun in the sun with my kids, late night snuggles during thunderstorms, and family ice cream gatherings. As these memories came flooding back, I realized that each gray hair, dark circle, and sunspot had a story alongside it.

This reminds me of 1 Samuel 16:7, and how each experience and story in our lives makes us beautiful to God. He doesn’t care about the expensive make-up or choices we’ve made in life. 

He knows our hearts. He knows all the details of our lives, and thinks we are absolutely stunning. He doesn’t look at you like people do, but instead says you are: B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L.

He has never looked in your mirror and wished He saw someone else. So the next time you look in the mirror, consider the following acronym instead of focusing on your flaws.










Digging Deeper

B-Blameless: He loves you right where you are, in your mess and struggles. He doesn’t blame you or hold your past mistakes over your head.

E-Exquisite: You are a masterpiece in His eyes. He knit you together in your mother’s womb and you are fearfully and wonderfully made. 

A-Accepted: He has adopted you as His daughter. You are His heir, His child. You didn’t pick Him, but He picked you. He doesn’t look in your mirror and wish He saw someone else. 

U-Unique: He made you that way on purpose. As the Potter, He designed each trait of yours exactly the way He wanted you to be.  

T-Treasured: He cherishes each and every moment you spend with Him.

I-Important: Your existence is important to the work He is doing for the kingdom.The work you do each day matters.  

F-Flawless:  He sees you as His sweet child. You aren’t flawed or broken. His compassion toward you is unending. Time and time again, without grudge or condemnation, He is there to comfort you and love you. 

U-Understood: Jesus felt all the emotions we experience. He felt anger, sadness, betrayal, rejection, abuse, temptation. He understands exactly what we are going through. His compassion for you runs so deep because He too experienced it.

L-Loved: There is no place His love can’t find you. He knows you completely and loves you. If you go to the heavens or settle on the far side of the sea, His love is there. In the darkness of your pain, His love is right there. His love follows you everywhere. Nothing can separate you from it. 

Today’s Prayer

Lord, thank you for the beautiful woman staring back in the mirror. Help me see myself the way you do. Help me focus on the experiences and life you have given me instead of the dark circles and spots. Jesus, I pray I can finally trust the truth of who You say I am: BEAUTIFUL. When I begin to doubt it, remind me to take the thought captive and remember you don’t see me like the world does. In Your Precious Name, Amen.

2 thoughts on “You Are Beautiful…

  1. This is beautiful, Katie! I’ve written several posts over the years about God’s view of us, but you have said it much more eloquently than I ever have.

    Most of my friends in my age range dye their hair. I always say my hair is a story of my life. I’ve earned each and every gray strand. The same argument holds for each extra pound I carry, but I’m not so proud of those 😄

  2. Thank you for the reminder. Great post! God created each of us exactly the way He wanted us to be. And I know that my life experiences are to teach me to act more like He wants me to act. 😉

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