Prayer for Perfectionism

Prayer for Perfectionism


Lord Jesus, thank You for the freedom You have given each of us in You. Thank You for doing it right when You came to the world. Thank You for not expecting perfection out of us. Thank You for loving us exactly how we are. The world has such a way of making us each feel incomplete and insecure in so many ways, but Lord, we know when we have Your Spirit living inside of us, we are free. Free indeed. Free to be the person You made us each to be. Thank You for the freedom to be completely and authentically me. Lord, I pray as I come in contact with people who don’t like me or approve of me, that I am able to show them Your love, but also remember that I don’t need to please them and be perfect for them. You are the only one I need to look to for my security and acceptance. Lord, I pray for my heart to not fall into the need to be perfect. I pray that each day I look to You for belonging, so that I can allow Your light to shine through me. It is in Your Precious Name we pray, Amen.

2 thoughts on “Prayer for Perfectionism

  1. Thanks, Katie! Need the reminder alot that perfection isn’t the goal.

  2. Beautiful prayer, Katie. I am a perfectionist and very hard on myself. A few years ago I heard God whisper, “Aren’t you glad I’m not a perfectionist. If I were, I wouldn’t use you.” God is perfect but He finds glory in the usefulness of His imperfect children.

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