Unanswered Prayers

Unanswered Prayers

Does God Really Hear You?

He Knows More Than We Do

First and foremost, God doesn’t  just willy nilly say yes to all prayers. He knows what is best for us, He knows what is best for those around us, He knows what is best for all the other people not even near us, and sometimes saying yes to all things could have a greater negative impact on the whole than we may understand. But He definitely hears you. So why doesn’t He answer them all?

Think about some of the reasons you would say no to a child. Perhaps your child is begging you to go swimming, but you don’t have access to a pool, or it would cost more money than you have in order to take them to one. You understand that when you say no to them, it isn’t a no forever. Of course you want to take them swimming, but now isn’t the time. Maybe it has nothing to do with not being able to afford it, perhaps your child has swimmer’s ear or maybe you have to work. Again, it doesn’t mean that the answer will always be a no, but it is a no for right now.

You certainly aren’t angry at your child for asking, but you know the bigger picture and why right now isn’t the best time. 

Same is true for God. He knows what is best for you and for everyone else, and when the best time is for you to do the thing you are asking for. For God, it isn’t about not being able to do it, but He knows all things and is working all things out.

So why does Jesus say over and over to ask whatever you want and it will be given to you?

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you” (John 15:7).


I think first it’s important to know what it means to remain in Him. Remaining in Him means to understand that His presence is constant. When we “call on God” He is already here, but to remain in Him, we are making an active decision to include Him in whatever it is we are doing. 

It’s easy to ask Him for things when we need things, as if we are picking up the phone and calling for the plumber to come fix the leak in our pipes. But constantly calling on the plumber every time we clog up the drain can get expensive, and it can be frustrating when the drain gets clogged again or the pipe starts leaking again.

But to remain in Him takes obedience. It takes intentionality. You have to make an active decision to move the plumber into your house and get to know him. When we start to get to know Him, that is when our hearts start to align. 

When our hearts are aligned, that is when the things we start requesting of Him, start looking differently than they once did. 

For example, before I moved God into my house, I would only call on Him when I needed a Hail Mary. Things like: help me get the job, or help me find Mr. Right, or help me lose weight! But my asks are so different now compared to when I first started seeking Him. Now my asks sound more like I am trying to learn from a teacher rather than just getting a quick fix to the problem. Now it sounds more like: teach me how to show people love even when they are difficult to love, or how do I let your light shine through me, or how can I learn to love myself and see myself the way you see me and love me?

But that’s what happens when we move Him into our house. We stop paying the price for the quick fix of the pipes or leaks, but instead, we lean into learning how to be more like Him so we don’t cause the clogs in the drains in the first place. 

But it takes intentionality to remain in Him. So when this verse says, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you” (John 15:7) then whatever it is you decide to ask won’t end up being the Hail Mary, it will be aligned with what He has already placed on your heart. That is when He will give it to you, when it aligns with what you are working on and doing together as a team.

He wants you to learn how to keep your drains from clogging and pipes from leaking. He wants to teach you all the things you need to know. But you know what makes Him way better than any other teacher? Not only does He want to teach you to do those things yourself, but He will be with you while you do it!

He will never leave you or forsake you, He is with you through the learning, through the trials, through the errors, through the wins, through the losses. 

And His service doesn’t come with a price tag like the plumber’s service does. His service is completely free. He paid the price already. It is simply a free gift to you because He loves you so deeply, and truly does want to give you the desires of your heart. 

He is working on getting you to that desire, but today may not be the day He says yes because He knows what is best for you and how you need to grow or develop before He gets you to that place. But if He is living with you, you will know and understand how He is trying to develop you so that He can take you to that place. You will know because you will be in an intimate relationship with Him because you are intentionally choosing Him and remaining in Him in all things.

Building Community:

In the comments below, please respond to any of the following questions.

Has God ever held off on answering a prayer for you, only to reveal later on why? If so, tell us about it.

What is one thing you could start doing that would help you be more intentional in remaining in God?

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